On Fornication And Genetics in The Breedster Age
Zero Content Symposion 2004
Proceedings from the Second First Zero Content Symposion 2004 (2004-05-22) hosted by alt0169 trendbeheer.
- Opening remarks
- The copulogram as a means of visualising the social network: We are not our maps
- The toroidal universe: New data, new debate
- Meaningfulness and motivation: Microcommunities and mobs
- Paranoia, hubris and hatred in the post 4/21 era
- New ~insights in the epidemic potential of pathogenic causative agents in heterogeous communities through outbreak investigation by fluorescence spectroscopy
- Q&A, Adjourn
Panel members: alt0169.com, drunkmenworkhere.org, lfs.nl, zidouta.com and zutman.be.