< >
2007-09-14 12:38
10095 - 177 44.499439954758 s
2007-09-13 14:52
10094 - 85 6093915378
2007-09-11 04:58
10093 - 177 66.962314128876 s
I suck :(
2007-09-11 03:25
10092 - 96 37395
2007-09-11 03:17
10091 - 96 124476
Apparently the phone keep updating e-mail even when turned off, and the iPhone's international data charges are very high.
2007-09-11 02:41
10090 - 135 5850
Hereford Corned Beef
2007-09-08 17:19
10089 - 177 36.537903070450 s
Hereford Corned Beef
2007-09-08 17:17
10088 - 177 20.531799793243 s
Hereford Corned Beef
2007-09-08 17:15
10087 - 177 35.845957994461 s
2007-09-08 03:18
10086 - 80 4098
score in 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 96, 97, 100, 125, 128, 129, 135, 168, 177, 179, 184 or 193 to post