The colour of the World Wide Web is: #9C9C9C (rgb: 156,156,156). There is no dominant hue in the Web.
The average web page is depicted on the right (scale 1 : 5). The left hand side and the top of the Web appear to be a slightly darker gray, which might indicate that menus are generally located there and that they are darker.
In every three pages one JavaScript error will be encountered while loading web pages.
10.5 % of the web pages contains popup/under windows.
2.37 % percent of the web pages uses frame redirection.
3000 unique and valid URLs were examined. These URLs were submitted by users of the discontinued url2png service. The generated png images form the basis of this research.
These URLs were not harvested by a bot, but are URLs of real web pages visited by real people, so the sample is highly representative.
The 3000 png images were generated using the KDE HTML thumbnail creator. These images were averaged, resulting in the image on the right. The averaging process can be reviewed in 35 steps. The average colour of the image on the right is #9C9C9C.
JavaScript errors
In the examined 3000 pages 1037 JavaScript errors were found. The errors where only detected while the page was loading.
742 | Type errors |
490 | Null value |
123 | Expression does not allow calls. |
112 | Undefined Value |
17 | Expression is no object. Cannot be called. |
152 | Reference errors |
133 | Can't find variable: # |
19 | Invalid left-hand side value |
43 | Syntax errors |
43 | Parse error at line # (average line number: 25) |
152 | Cross domain scripting errors |
Of the 3000 examined pages 315 pages tried to launch new windows. This is 10.5 %.
455 cookies were delivered in Konqueror's cookie jar while loading the 3000 pages.
From the final image one might derive that the World Wide Web is slightly brighter at the top 115 px and at the bottom 115 px. This is however a limitation of the used KHTML engine which renders a frameset with only one valid frame (used in frame redirection) incorrectly on the specified canvas. Since the average colour of the bottom and the top of the final image is #A7A7A7 (rgb: 167,167,167) one can conclude that 2.37 % of the Web uses frame redirection.
In the image of the average web page depicted on the right, this effect was corrected.
The png images were requested by visitors from many countries which is reflected in the set of top level domains of the 3000 URLs.
com | 43.715% |
nl | 12.638% |
net | 8.603% |
org | 6.035% |
it | 3.901% |
se | 3.268% |
es | 2.834% |
be | 2.267% |
uk | 1.701% |
nu | 1.701% |
tk | 1.267% |
de | 1.234% |
ar | 0.767% |
br | 0.7% |
edu | 0.667% |
dk | 0.6% |
ca | 0.567% |
us | 0.534% |
mx | 0.467% |
fi | 0.4% |
ru | 0.4% |
sk | 0.3% |
info | 0.3% |
no | 0.267% |
ws | 0.267% |
tv | 0.2% |
fr | 0.2% |
to | 0.2% |
vg | 0.167% |
jp | 0.167% |
ch | 0.133% |
cl | 0.133% |
au | 0.133% |
pt | 0.133% |
biz | 0.133% |
cx | 0.1% |
gov | 0.1% |
at | 0.1% |
pl | 0.1% |
hk | 0.1% |
ve | 0.1% |
sr | 0.067% |
gs | 0.067% |
id | 0.067% |
is | 0.067% |
name | 0.067% |
pe | 0.067% |
ag | 0.033% |
kz | 0.033% |
uk | 0.033% |
vu | 0.033% |
sg | 0.033% |
cz | 0.033% |
il | 0.033% |
gr | 0.033% |
nz | 0.033% |
ph | 0.033% |
ir | 0.033% |
sv | 0.033% |
ni | 0.033% |
ms | 0.033% |