"; echo "dopewars\n"; echo "


is temporary offline
try again in a few minutes

\n"; echo ""; exit; } // **************************************************************************** // GENERIC POSTGRESQL WRAPPER class db { var $db; function db() { // error_reporting(1); // no warnings $this->db=pg_connect("dbname=drunkmen"); // database name is drunkmen if (!$this->db) { echo "No database connection"; exit; } } function qry($qry,$num=0) { if (!isset($this->db)) return FALSE; $rel = pg_query($this->db, $qry); if (!$rel) { return array(); } $nr = pg_numrows($rel); if ($num==0) $num=$nr; else if ($num>$nr) $num=$nr; $res = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) $res[] = pg_fetch_array($rel, $i, PGSQL_ASSOC); return $res; } } $db = new db(); // **************************************************************************** // HIGH SCORE LIST if ($action == "hiscore") { echo ""; echo "dopewars

dopewars - high scores

"; echo "

active dealers

"; $qry = "select name, score from dopewars order by score desc"; $results = $db->qry($qry); while (list($key, $val) = each ($results)) { echo $key+1; echo " - " . htmlentities($val["name"]) . " (\$" . $val["score"] . ")
"; } echo "

legendary dead dealers - all time high scores

(top 50)

"; $qry = "select name, score from dopescores order by score desc limit 50"; $results = $db->qry($qry); while (list($key, $val) = each ($results)) { echo $key+1; echo " - " . htmlentities($val["name"]) . " (\$" . $val["score"] . ")
"; } echo "


"; echo ""; exit; } // **************************************************************************** // LOGIN SCREEN if (!$player || $logout) { $uid = ""; $player = ""; switch ($action) { case "login": $name = trim(str_replace(",", " ", substr($name,0,20))); $password = trim(substr($password,0,15)); if (addslashes($name) != $name || (strstr($name, " ") && $new)) { $error = "Invalid characters in username."; } else if (addslashes($password) != $password) { $error = "Invalid characters in password."; } else if ($name != "" && $password != "") { $language=$lang; $lname = strtolower($name); $qry = "select * from dopewars where lower(name) = '$lname';"; $result = $db->qry($qry); if ($new) { if ($result != array()) { $error = "There already exists a user named \"$name\"."; } else { check_max(); $player["name"] = $name; $player["cash"] = 5000; $player["debt"] = 4761; $player["bank"] = 0; $player["guns"] = 0; $player["bitches"] = 2; $player["space"] = 20 + $player["bitches"] * 10; $player["held"] = 0; $player["life"] = 100; $player["guns"] = array(); $player["drugs"] = array(); $player["drugprices"] = array(); $player["prices"] = array(); $player["destination"] = 1; $player["snitches"] = array(); $player["currentsnitches"] = array(); $player["snitchreport"] = array(); $player["fighthistory"] = array(); $pl = addslashes(serialize($player)); $qry = "insert into dopewars (name, password, score, player) values ('$name', '$password', 0, '$pl');"; $result = $db->qry($qry); $uid = $name; } } else { if ($result == array()) { $error = "No such user"; } else if ($result[0]["password"] != $password) { $error = "Invalid password"; } else { check_max(); $uid = addslashes($result[0]["name"]); } } } if (!$uid) { echo ""; echo "dopewars

dopewars - login

"; echo "
"; if ($error) { echo "


"; } echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "

name: "; echo "

"; echo "

password: "; echo "

"; echo "

language: "; echo "

"; if ($new) { echo "

"; } else { echo "

"; } echo ""; echo " "; echo "
"; echo ""; exit; } break; default: // genereric script to check for drunkmenworkhere editions // comment out next two lines, they're only useful on drunkmenworkhere.org @include("editions.php"); @checkEdition(); echo ""; echo "dopewars"; echo "


"; echo "

(deal drugs to make lots and lots of money)

"; echo "

login | "; if (strtolower($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) == "nl") { echo "instructions | "; } else { echo "instructions | "; } echo "high scores | "; echo "info

"; echo ""; exit; } } // **************************************************************************** // SOME FUNCTIONS function check_max(){ global $db; $qry = "select count(*) from dopewars where extract(epoch from now()-date)<60;"; $result = $db->qry($qry); if ($result[0]["count"] > MAXUSERS) { echo ""; echo "dopewars

dopewars - login

"; echo "

Too many users connected.
Please try to login again in a minute.


"; exit; } } function save_exit(){ global $db, $player, $uid, $onthemove, $updatedate; // calculate total $player["cash"] = round($player["cash"]); $player["bank"] = round($player["bank"]); $player["debt"] = round($player["debt"]); $player["total"] = $player["cash"] + $player["bank"] - $player["debt"]; reset ($player["drugs"]); while (list($drug, $val) = each($player["drugs"])) { $player["total"] += $player["drugprices"][$drug] * $val; } // update database $pl = addslashes(serialize($player)); $qry = "update dopewars set player='$pl', onthemove=$onthemove"; $qry .= ", score=" . round($player["total"]); if ($updatedate) { $qry .= ", date=now()"; } $qry .= " where name='$uid';\ncommit;"; $db->qry($qry); exit; } function save_player($uid, $player, $stopmoving=0) { global $db; // calculate total $player["total"] = $player["cash"] + $player["bank"] - $player["debt"]; reset ($player["drugs"]); while (list($drug, $val) = each($player["drugs"])) { $player["total"] += $player["drugprices"][$drug] * $val; } // update database $pl = addslashes(serialize($player)); $qry = "update dopewars set player='$pl'"; if ($stopmoving) { $qry .= ", onthemove=FALSE"; } $qry .= ", score=" . round($player["total"]); $qry .= " where name='$uid';"; $db->qry($qry); } function banner($i, $j) { // this function is work in conjuction with click clock (http://drunkmenworkhere.org/187.php) // comment out, works on drunkmenworkhere.org only global $language; if ($i > $j) { $k = $j; $j = $i; $i = $k; } $foo = 0; for ($n=0; $n<=$i; $n++) { $foo += $n; } $foo = $i*8 - $foo + ($j - $i) - 1; if ($language == "NL") { $foo += 28; } $banners = @file("../data/dopewars_banners.txt"); if ($banners[$foo]!="\n" && $banners[$foo]!="") { $b = explode("\t", $banners[$foo]); echo "

\"play"; } } function check_life() { global $db, $player, $uid, $str,$pass, $PHP_SELF; if ($player["life"] > 0) { if ($player["life"] > 100) { $player["life"] = 100; } return; } else { report_snitches(); $qry = "insert into dopescores (name, password, score) values ('" . $player["name"] . "', '$pass', '" . $player["total"] . "');"; $db->qry($qry); $player = ""; $qry = "delete from dopewars where name = '$uid';\ncommit;"; $db->qry($qry); echo "
". $str["dead"]; echo "

new game"; echo ""; exit; } } function dealer_list() { global $db; $qry = "select id, name from dopewars order by name;"; $result = $db->qry($qry); echo ""; } function report_snitches() { global $db, $uid, $player, $str; $player["fightreport"]["player"] = $uid; $foo = array_unique($player["currentsnitches"]); $foo = implode (", ", $foo); if ($foo) { printf("
" . $str["snitched"], $foo); } $qry = implode("','", array_unique($player["currentsnitches"])); $qry = "select * from dopewars where name in ('$qry') for update;"; $results = $db->qry($qry); while (list ($key, $result) = each($results)) { $subject = unserialize(stripslashes($result["player"])); $subject["snitchreport"][] = $player["fightreport"]; save_player($result["name"], $subject); } $player["currentsnitches"] = array(); $player["fightreport"] = array(); } function lose_bitch($player) { global $drugs, $guns; // subtract proportional amount of drugs reset ($player["drugs"]); while (list($key, $val) = each($player["drugs"])) { $num = round($val/($player["bitches"] + 2)); $player["drugs"][$key] -= $num; $player["space"] += $num; } // remove guns if (round(array_sum($player["guns"])/($player["bitches"] + 2))) { reset ($player["guns"]); while (list($key, $val) = each($player["guns"])) { if ($val) { $player["guns"][$key] -= 1; break; } } } $player["bitches"]--; $player["space"] -=10; return $player; } function printmenu($enabled = 1) { global $places, $str, $currency, $player, $special, $language, $PHP_SELF; // status table echo "

"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
" . $str["status"] . "
" . $str["name"] . ": " . htmlentities($player["name"]) . "
" . $str["cash"] . ": $currency " . $player["cash"] . "
" . $str["bank"] . ": $currency " . $player["bank"] . "
" . $str["debt"] . ": $currency " . $player["debt"] . "
" . $str["bitches"] . ": " . $player["bitches"] . "
" . $str["life"] . ": " . $player["life"] . "%
" . $str["space"] . ": " . $player["space"] . "
" . $str["guns"] . ": " . array_sum($player["guns"]) . "
"; // location menu table echo "
"; echo ""; while (list($key, $val) = each($places)) { if ($player["location"] == $key) { echo "\n"; } else { if ($enabled ) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } } if ($enabled) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "
" . $str["goto"] . "
» $val «

high scores
" . $str["instruct"] . "
" . $str["od"] . "
" . $str["logout"] . "

high scores
" . $str["instruct"] . "
" . $str["od"] . "
" . $str["logout"] . "
"; } function print_header($reload = 0) { global $PHP_SELF; echo "dopewars"; if ($reload) { echo ""; } echo "\n"; } // **************************************************************************** // LANGUAGE STUFF if ($language == "NL") { $places = array( "Spangen", "Tussendijken", "Dijkzigt/Cool", "Oude Westen", "Centraal Station", "Tarwewijk", "Hillesluis", "Zuidplein"); $special = array( 0 => "de woekeraar op de Mathenesserdijk", 1 => "de heroïnehoeren op de Keileweg", 2 => "de polikliniek", 4 => "het GWK", 5 => "de wapenhandelaar in de Millinxbuurt"); $drugs = array( array("name" => "LSD", "min" => 1000, "max"=> 4400, "minmsg" => "", maxmsg=>"LSD is bezig aan een come-back in het party-circuit!"), array("name" => "cocaïne", "min" => 15000, "max"=> 29000, "minmsg" => "Bolletjesslikkers hebben Rotterdam Airport ontdekt: cocaïne in overvloed.", "maxmsg" => "In de haven is een lading Columbiaanse coke onderschept."), array("name" => "heroïne", "min" => 5500, "max"=> 13000, "minmsg" => "In de Pauluskerk wordt gratis methadon verstrekt, de heroïne markt is ingestort.", "maxmsg" => "Heroïne-junks komen hier massaal naar toe, er is een tekort aan smack."), array("name" => "hash", "min" => 480, "max"=> 1280, "minmsg" => "Een Marokkaans schip heeft grote hoeveelheden hash afgeleverd.", "maxmsg" => "Een container maroc is door de douane vernietigd."), array("name" => "wiet", "min" => 315, "max"=> 890, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => "Een hennepkwekerij is opgerold, de wietprijzen zijn omhooggeschoten!"), array("name" => "speed", "min" => 90, "max"=> 250, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "XTC", "min" => 2800, "max"=> 3700, "minmsg" => "Een nieuw XTC laboratorium dumpt pillen voor weinig.", "maxmsg" => "De politie heeft een XTC laboratorium ontmanteld."), array("name" => "valium", "min" => 11, "max"=> 60, "minmsg" => "Rivaliserende dealers hebben een apotheek beroofd en verkopen goedkoop valium!", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "paddo's", "min" => 630, "max"=> 1300, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => "In een proefproces zijn paddo's verboden, de prijzen schieten omhoog."), array("name" => "peyote", "min" => 220, "max"=> 700, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "PCP", "min" => 1000, "max"=> 2500, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => "")); $bitchactions = array ( array("name" => "geile neukseks", "price" => 20), array("name" => "spion", "price" => 6500), array("name" => "verklikker", "price" => 10000), array("name" => "drugskoerier", "price" => 35000)); $fight = array("blijven staan", "over geven", "vluchten", "schieten"); $maxmsgs = array("%s is in de mode!", "Een lading %s is onderschept, er is schaarste.", "Verslaafden betalen belachelijke prijzen voor %s."); $minmsgs = array("De markt wordt overspoeld met %s"); $str["nospace"] = "Je hebt geen ruimte voor %s drugs."; $str["nodrug"] = "Je hebt helemaal niet %s eenheden %s."; $str["morespace"] = "Je kunt nu 10 extra units meenemen."; $str["doctor"] = "Je zelf laten opereren kost € %s."; $str["recovered"] = "Je bent kerngezond."; $str["disease"] = "Je hebt een SOA opgelopen."; $str["mugged"] = "Je zakken zijn gerold: je geld is weg!"; $str["ooh"] = "'Ooh, was het ook goed voor jou?'"; $str["operate"] = "opereren"; $str["nogunspace"] = "Je kunt niet meer wapens dragen."; $str["noguncash"] = "Dit wapen is te duur."; $str["nomoney"] = "Je hebt daar geen geld voor."; $str["sell"] = "verkoop"; $str["buy"] = "koop"; $str["available"] = "markt:"; $str["carried"] = "in bezit:"; $str["to"] = "naar"; $str["at"] = "bij"; $str["amount"] = "bedrag"; $str["quantity"] = "hoeveelheid"; $str["withdraw"] = "opnemen"; $str["deposit"] = "storten"; $str["invalid"] = "Ongeldige transactie"; $str["dump"] = "Let op: er wordt hier geen %s verhandeld!
Je dumpt dus je %s als je verkoopt."; $str["loan"] = "lenen"; $str["pay"] = "betalen"; $str["leave"] = "uitgang"; $str["hire"] = "huren"; $str["hirebitch"] = "huur hoer voor/als:"; $str["maxbitch"] = "Je niet meer dan 10 hoeren huren als drugskoerier."; $str["maxloan"] = "De woekeraar wil nog je maximaal € %s lenen."; $str["cash"] = "contanten"; $str["bank"] = "bank"; $str["debt"] = "schuld"; $str["total"] = "totale vermogen"; $str["name"] = "naam"; $str["bitches"] = "hoeren"; $str["life"] = "gezondheid"; $str["space"] = "ruimte"; $str["guns"] = "wapens"; $str["status"] = "toestand"; $str["goto"] = "ga naar"; $str["instruct"] = "instructies"; $str["logout"] = "log uit"; $str["chase"] = "%s politie-agenten achtervolgen je! Wat doe je?"; $str["surrender"] = "overgeven"; $str["fight"] = "schieten"; $str["run"] = "vluchten"; $str["bribe"] = "omkopen"; $str["nobribe"] = "Je hebt niet genoeg cash om alle agenten om te kopen (€20.000 per agent)."; $str["bribed"] = "Je hebt de agenten voor €%s omgekocht en door ze de helft van je drugs te geven."; $str["youkilledcop"] = "Je hebt een agent doodgeschoten!"; $str["allcopskilled"] = "Alle agenten zijn dood! Je vindt € %s in hun portefeuilles."; $str["youmissed"] = "Je schoot en miste."; $str["escaped"] = "Je bent ontsnapt."; $str["cantescape"] = "Je kunt niet wegkomen."; $str["copsshoot"] = "De politie schiet met %s agenten..."; $str["copshoot"] = "De laatste agent schiet..."; $str["bitchkilled"] = "Eén van je hoeren is doodgeschoten."; $str["yourhit"] = "Je bent geraakt."; $str["missed"] = "Niet geraakt!"; $str["forfeit"] = "Door een plukze-maatregel wordt € %s van je bankrekening gevorderd door het BOOM."; $str["continue"] = "verder"; $str["onthemove"] = "onderweg naar"; $str["lostdrugs"] = "Je werd achtervolgd door een stadsmarinier. Onderweg ben je je %s kwijtgeraakt."; if (mt_rand(0,1)) { $str["lostdrugs"] = "Je werd achtervolgd door de Nachtwacht. Onderweg ben je je %s kwijtgeraakt."; } $str["foundbody"] = "Je vindt het lijk van een dode heroïnehoer met %s x %s."; $str["dead"] = "Je bent dood!"; $str["invalidname"] = "Ongeldige naam"; $str["name"] = "naam"; $str["hiresnitch"] = "Huur een heroïnehoer om een andere dealer bij de politie aan te geven.
De politie zal deze dealer aanpakken.
De resultaten krijg je gemeld zodra de politie actie heeft ondernomen."; $str["snitchhired"] = "%s wordt verklikt."; $str["snitched"] = "Je bent verraden door %s."; $str["report"] = "Rapportage verklikker"; $str["spyreport"] = "

Rapportage spion

Dealer %s bevindt zich in %s,
heeft € %s aan contanten, € %s op de bank en een schuld van € %s bij de woekeraar.
%s heeft %s heroïnehoeren, %s wapens en nog ruimte voor %s drugs.
De gezondheid is %s%%."; $str["hirespy"] = "Huur een heroïnehoer om de toestand van een andere dealer te achterhalen.
Je krijgt meteen antwoord."; $str["reloading"] = "Je wapens worden opnieuw geladen ..."; $str["reloaded"] = "Je wapens zijn opnieuw geladen."; $str["loanhit1"] = "Je komt wat mannetjes van de woekeraar tegen.
Ze breken je vingers en maken je duidelijk je schuld af te lossen."; $str["loanhit2"] = "Het is de woekeraar menes!
Je wordt met een loden pijp bewerkt."; $str["loanhit3"] = "De woekeraar heeft je te pakken!
Je voeten worden in beton gestort en je wordt in de Maas gegooid."; $str["d_killed"] = "Dealer %s is gedood."; $str["d_hit"] = "Dealer %s is beschoten en gewond geraakt."; $str["d_escaped"] = "%s kon ontkomen."; $str["d_arrested"] = "%s is gearresteerd."; $str["d_cop"] = "Eén agent kwam om."; $str["d_cops"] = "%s agenten kwamen om."; $str["d_allcops"] = "Alle agenten zijn doodgeschoten door %s."; $str["d_bitch"] = "Eén hoer is doodgeschoten."; $str["d_bitches"] = "%s hoeren zijn doodgeschoten."; $str["dateformat"] = "%A %e %B, %T"; $str["arrested"] = "Je bent gearresteerd."; $str["prison"] = "de gevangenis"; $str["inprison"] = "Je zit in de gevangenis tot %s."; $str["released"] = "Je bent vrijgelaten."; $str["op_cantescape"] = "%s probeert te vluchten, maar kan niet wegkomen."; $str["op_escaped"] = "%s is gevlucht."; $str["op_stands"] = "%s staat als een idioot toe te kijken."; $str["op_shoots"] = "%s schiet..."; $str["youkilledbitch"] = "Je hebt één van de hoeren van %s doodgeschoten."; $str["youkilledopponent"] = "Je hebt %s doodgeschoten. Je vindt € %s in de portefeuille."; $str["youshotopponent"] = "Je hebt %s geraakt."; $str["opponentdead"] = "%s is dood."; $str["bitchgone"] = "Eén van je hoeren is er vandoor gegaan."; $str["encounter"] = "Je komt %s tegen, wat doe je?"; if (mt_rand(0,1)) { $str["encounter"] = "Je komt %s tegen in een groetzone, wat doe je?"; } $str["op_status"] = "Toestand van %s:
hoeren: %s
wapens: %s
gezondheid: %s%%"; $str["qod"] = "Wil je echt een overdosis nemen (en wellicht legendarisch worden)?"; $str["yes"] = "ja"; $str["od"] = "overdosis"; $currency = "€"; } else { $language = "EN"; $places = array( "the Bronx", "the Ghetto", "Central Park", "Coney Island", "Manhattan", "Brooklyn", "Queens", "Staten Island"); $special = array( 0 => "the loanshark", 1 => "the pub", 2 => "the hospital", 4 => "the bank", 5 => "Dan's House of Guns"); $drugs = array( array("name" => "acid", "min" => 1000, "max"=> 4400, "minmsg" => "The market is flooded with cheap home-made acid!"), array("name" => "cocaine", "min" => 15000, "max"=> 29000, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "heroin", "min" => 5500, "max"=> 13000, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "hashish", "min" => 480, "max"=> 1280, "minmsg" => "The Marrakesh Express has arrived!", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "weed", "min" => 315, "max"=> 890, "minmsg" => "Weed prices have bottomed out!", "maxmsg" => "Weed prices are ridiculously high."), array("name" => "speed", "min" => 90, "max"=> 250, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "ecstacy", "min" => 2800, "max"=> 3700, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "ludes", "min" => 11, "max"=> 60, "minmsg" => "Rival drug dealers raided a pharmacy and are selling cheap ludes!", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "shrooms", "min" => 630, "max"=> 1300, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "peyote", "min" => 220, "max"=> 700, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => ""), array("name" => "PCP", "min" => 1000, "max"=> 2500, "minmsg" => "", "maxmsg" => "")); $bitchactions = array ( array("name" => "sex", "price" => 20), array("name" => "spy", "price" => 6500), array("name" => "snitch", "price" => 10000), array("name" => "drug runner", "price" => 35000)); $str["sell"] = "sell"; $str["buy"] = "buy"; $str["available"] = "available:"; $str["carried"] = "carried:"; $str["to"] = "to"; $str["at"] = "at"; $str["amount"] = "amount"; $str["quantity"] = "quantity"; $str["withdraw"] = "withdraw"; $str["loan"] = "loan"; $str["pay"] = "pay"; $str["invalid"] = "Invalid transaction"; $str["operate"] = "operate"; $str["instruct"] = "instructions"; $str["logout"] = "log out"; $str["deposit"] = "deposit"; $str["onthemove"] = "jetting to"; $fight = array("stand", "surrender", "run", "fire"); $maxmsgs = array("Cops made a big %s bust! Prices are outrageous!", "Addicts are buying %s at ridiculous prices!", "The addicts are going nuts for %s!"); $minmsgs = array("The market is flooded with cheap %s."); $str["nospace"] = "You can't carry %s more drugs."; $str["nodrug"] = "You're shittin' me right? You don't have %s units of %s."; $str["morespace"] = "Now you can carry 10 more units."; $str["doctor"] = "The doctor can fix you up for \$ %s."; $str["recovered"] = "You are healthy."; $str["disease"] = "You caught a venereal disease."; $str["mugged"] = "You got mugged! Your money is gone."; $str["ooh"] = "'Ooh, was it goof for you too?'"; $str["operate"] = "fix me up"; $str["nogunspace"] = "You can't carry more guns."; $str["noguncash"] = "You can't afford that gun."; $str["nomoney"] = "You don't have enough money for that."; $str["sell"] = "sell"; $str["buy"] = "buy"; $str["available"] = "available:"; $str["carried"] = "carried:"; $str["to"] = "to"; $str["at"] = "at"; $str["amount"] = "amount"; $str["quantity"] = "quantity"; $str["withdraw"] = "withdraw"; $str["deposit"] = "deposit"; $str["invalid"] = "Invalid transaction"; $str["loan"] = "loan"; $str["pay"] = "pay"; $str["leave"] = "leave"; $str["dump"] = "Warning: %s is not sold here!
You're dumping your %s if you sell."; $str["hire"] = "hire"; $str["hirebitch"] = "hire bitch to / for:"; $str["maxbitch"] = "You can't hire more than 10 bitches to carry drugs."; $str["maxloan"] = "The loan shark only want to loan you \$; %s more."; $str["cash"] = "cash"; $str["bank"] = "bank"; $str["debt"] = "debt"; $str["total"] = "score"; $str["name"] = "name"; $str["bitches"] = "bitches"; $str["life"] = "health"; $str["space"] = "space"; $str["guns"] = "guns"; $str["status"] = "status"; $str["goto"] = "go to"; $str["instruct"] = "instructions"; $str["logout"] = "log out"; $str["chase"] = "%s cops are chasing you! What do you do?"; $str["surrender"] = "surrender"; $str["fight"] = "fire"; $str["run"] = "run"; $str["bribe"] = "bribe"; $str["nobribe"] = "You don't have enough money to bribe all cops (\$ 20,000 a cop)."; $str["bribed"] = "You've bribed the cops (\$ %s and half of your drugs)."; $str["youkilledcop"] = "You killed a cop!"; $str["allcopskilled"] = "All cops are dead! You find \$ %s on them."; $str["youmissed"] = "You failed to hit."; $str["escaped"] = "You escaped."; $str["cantescape"] = "You can't escape."; $str["copsshoot"] = "%s cops are shooting..."; $str["copshoot"] = "The last cop shoots..."; $str["bitchkilled"] = "One of your bitches got killed."; $str["yourhit"] = "You've been hit."; $str["missed"] = "Miss!"; $str["forfeit"] = "The DEA forfeits $ %s from your bank account."; $str["continue"] = "continue"; $str["lostdrugs"] = "They chased you! You lost the %s."; $str["foundbody"] = "You find the dead body of a bitch with %s x %s."; $str["dead"] = "You're dead!"; $str["invalidname"] = "Invalid name"; $str["name"] = "name"; $str["hiresnitch"] = "Hire a bitch to tip off a dealer to the cops.
The cops will attack that dealer.
Later you will be informed on the encounter."; $str["snitchhired"] = "%s is being tipped of."; $str["snitched"] = "You were tipped off by %s."; $str["report"] = "Snitch report"; $str["spyreport"] = "

Spy report

Dealer %s is located in %s,
has \$ %s in cash, \$ %s in the bank and a debt of \$ %s.
%s has %s bitches, %s guns and space left for %s drugs.
Health is %s%%."; $str["hirespy"] = "Hire a bitch to find out the status of another dealer. You receive an answer immediately."; $str["reloading"] = "Your guns are being reloaded ..."; $str["reloaded"] = "Your guns are reloaded."; $str["loanhit1"] = "The loan shark send some of his men.
They break your fingers and tell you to pay off the debt."; $str["loanhit2"] = "The loan shark is serious!
You got beaten up by his men."; $str["loanhit3"] = "The loan shark wasted you!"; $str["d_killed"] = "Dealer %s is dead."; $str["d_hit"] = "Dealer %s was shot at and got hit."; $str["d_escaped"] = "%s got away."; $str["d_arrested"] = "%s is arrested."; $str["d_cop"] = "A cop was wasted."; $str["d_cops"] = "%s cops were wasted."; $str["d_allcops"] = "All were wasted by %s."; $str["d_bitch"] = "One bitch got killed."; $str["d_bitches"] = "%s bitches got killed."; $str["dateformat"] = "%A, %B %e, %T"; $str["arrested"] = "You are arrested."; $str["prison"] = "prison"; $str["inprison"] = "You are in prison until %s CET."; $str["released"] = "You are released."; $str["op_cantescape"] = "%s tries to escape but can't get away."; $str["op_escaped"] = "%s has escaped."; $str["op_stands"] = "%s stands there like an idiot."; $str["op_shoots"] = "%s fires..."; $str["youkilledbitch"] = "You wasted one of the bitches of %s."; $str["youkilledopponent"] = "You killed %s. You find \$ %s on him."; $str["youshotopponent"] = "You hit %s."; $str["opponentdead"] = "%s is dead."; $str["bitchgone"] = "One of your bitches ran away."; $str["encounter"] = "You run into %s, what do you do?"; $str["op_status"] = "Status of %s:
bitches: %s
weapons: %s
health: %s%%"; $str["qod"] = "Do you really want to overdose (and maybe become legendary)?"; $str["yes"] = "yes"; $str["od"] = "overdose"; $currency = "\$"; } $guns = array( array("name" => "Ruger MK4", "price" => 2500), array("name" => "Baretta 8357", "price" => 3500), array("name" => "S&W Magnum", "price" => 4500), array("name" => "Glock 21", "price" => 6000), array("name" => "HK MP5", "price" => 15000)); // **************************************************************************** // READ DATABASE if ($player["opponent"]) { // prevent deadlock by selecting the opponent as well $qry = "begin;\nselect * from dopewars where name in ('$uid','" . $player["opponent"] . "') for update;"; $result = $db->qry($qry); if ($result[0]["name"] == $uid) { $player = unserialize(stripslashes($result[0]["player"])); $pass = $result[0]["password"]; if ($result[1]["name"] == $player["opponent"]) { $opponent = unserialize(stripslashes($result[1]["player"])); } } else if ($result[1]["name"] == $uid) { $player = unserialize(stripslashes($result[1]["player"])); $pass = $result[1]["password"]; if ($result[0]["name"] == $player["opponent"]) { $opponent = unserialize(stripslashes($result[0]["player"])); } } } else { $qry = "begin;\nselect * from dopewars where name = '$uid' for update;"; $result = $db->qry($qry); $player = unserialize(stripslashes($result[0]["player"])); $pass = $result[0]["password"]; } if ($player == '') { header("Location: $PHP_SELF"); exit; } $updatedate = 0; $onthemove = "FALSE"; // **************************************************************************** // TO ANOTHER LOCATION if ($l!="" && !$player["prison"] && !$player["fight"]) { if ($player["noencounter"] > 5) { // at least 5 moves between fights with other players $qry = "select * from dopewars where onthemove = TRUE for update;"; $result = $db->qry("$qry"); } if ($result[0] != array() && $result[0]["name"] != $uid && $player["noencounter"] > 5) { // start fight with another player $player["opponent"] = $result[0]["name"]; $player["fight"] = 1; $opponent = unserialize(stripslashes($result[0]["player"])); $opponent["opponent"] = $uid; $opponent["fight"] = 1; $player["destination"] = $l; $player["travel"]--; $player["noencounter"] = 0; } else { // redirect to new location $zinnen =@file("../data/185$language.txt"); if ($zinnen) $zin = htmlentities($zinnen[mt_rand(0, count($zinnen)-1)]); $player["destination"] = $l; echo "dopewars

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "


"; echo "
"; banner($l, $player["location"]); echo ""; $player["travel"]--; $player["noencounter"]++; if ($player["noencounter"] > 5) { $onthemove = "TRUE"; } save_exit(); } } echo "dopewars"; echo ""; // **************************************************************************** // PRISON if ($player["prison"]) { echo "

" . $str["prison"] . "

"; echo "
"; printmenu(0); if ($player["prison"] > time()) { if ($language == "NL") { setlocale (LC_TIME, "nl_NL"); } else { setlocale (LC_TIME, "en_EN"); } printf("

" . $str["inprison"] . "

", strftime ($str["dateformat"], $player["prison"]) ); echo "
"; } else { $player["prison"] = 0; $player["travel"] = 0; echo $str["released"]; echo "
"; } echo ""; save_exit(); } // **************************************************************************** // BETWEEN TWO LOCATIONS if ($player["destination"] !="" && $player["location"] != $player["destination"] && $player["travel"]) { if ($player["fight"]) { if ($player["opponent"]) { // **************************************************************************** // FIGHT ANOTHER PLAYER $player["noencounter"] = 0; if ($opponent == "") { $qry = "select * from dopewars where name = '" . $player["opponent"] . "' for update;"; $result = $db->qry("$qry"); if ($result[0] != array()) { $opponent = unserialize(stripslashes($result[0]["player"])); } } if ($opponent == "" ) { $player["travel"] = 0; $player["fight"] = 0; $player["reloading"] = 0; } else { echo "

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; while (list($key, $event) = each ($player["fighthistory"])) { printf ($str[$event] . "
", htmlentities($opponent["name"])); } check_life(); if ($opponent["opponent"]) { if ($action == "fight" && !$player["reloading"]) { $opponent["fighthistory"][] = "op_shoots"; $damage = 0; while (list($gun, $num) = each($player["guns"])) { $damage += mt_rand(1, sqrt($guns[$gun]["price"]) * $num / 10); } if ($opponent["total"] > 200000000) { // damage amplification $damage *= 1 + ($opponent["total"] - 200000000)/70000000; } if ($damage >= 5 - $opponent["bitches"]/2) { if (mt_rand(0,$opponent["bitches"])) { $opponent = lose_bitch($opponent); printf ($str["youkilledbitch"]. "
", htmlentities($opponent["name"])); $opponent["fighthistory"][] = "bitchkilled"; $player["reloading"] = 1; } else { if ($opponent["total"] > 1000000) { $damage *= .7; $damage = min(97,$damage); $opponent["life"] -= round($damage); } else { // damage reduction $opponent["life"] -= round($damage * .4 + 0.3 * max(0,$opponent["total"])/1000000 ); } $opponent["fighthistory"][] = "yourhit"; if ($opponent["life"] <= 0) { $opponent["life"] = 0; $amount = min(mt_rand(7500, 9000), $opponent["cash"]); printf ($str["youkilledopponent"]."
", htmlentities($opponent["name"]), $amount); $player["cash"] += $amount; $player["fight"] = 0; } else { printf ($str["youshotopponent"]."
", htmlentities($opponent["name"])); $player["reloading"] = 1; } } } else { echo $str["youmissed"]."
"; $opponent["fighthistory"][] = "missed"; $player["reloading"] = 1; } } if ($action == "run") { if ( (mt_rand(0,100) > 20 + $opponent["bitches"]* 7) || end($player["fighthistory"]) == "op_cantescape") { echo $str["escaped"]; $opponent["fighthistory"][] = "op_escaped"; $player["fight"] = 0; } else { echo $str["cantescape"]; $opponent["fighthistory"][] = "op_cantescape"; } } if ($action == "stand") { echo $str["youstand"]; $opponent["fighthistory"][] = "op_stands"; } if ($action == "") { if ($reload) { echo $str["reloaded"] . "
"; $player["reloading"] = 0; } else { printf($str["encounter"] . "
", htmlentities($opponent["name"])); } } } else { $player["reloading"] = 0; $player["fight"] = 0; } if ($opponent["life"] <= 0) { printf ($str["opponentdead"], $player["opponent"]); $player["fight"] = 0; $player["reloading"] = 0; } $player["fighthistory"] = array(); save_player($player["opponent"], $opponent, 1); if ($player["reloading"]) { echo ""; echo $str["reloading"]; echo ""; save_exit(); } if (!$player["fight"]) { $player["travel"] = 0; // to new location $player["opponent"] = ""; echo "
"; printmenu(0); echo "
"; echo ""; save_exit(); } } } else if ($action) { // **************************************************************************** // FIGHT THE POLICE echo "

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; echo "
"; if ($action == "fight") { $damage = 0; while (list($gun, $num) = each($player["guns"])) { $damage += mt_rand(1, sqrt($guns[$gun]["price"]) * $num / 10); } if ($damage >= 5 - $player["cops"]/2) { $player["cops"]--; $player["fightreport"]["deadcops"]++; if ($player["cops"] <= 0) { $amount = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $player["fightreport"]["deadcops"]; $i++) { $amount += mt_rand(500,20000); } $player["cash"] += $amount; printf ($str["allcopskilled"], $amount); $player["fight"] = 0; } else { echo $str["youkilledcop"]; } } else { echo $str["youmissed"]; } $player["fightreport"]["shots"]++; } if ($action == "bribe") { if ($player["fightreport"]["shots"]==0) { if ($player["cash"] > $player["cops"] * 20000 && $player["fightreport"]["shots"]==0) { printf($str["bribed"], $player["cops"] * 20000); $player["cash"] -= $player["cops"] * 20000; $player["fight"] = 0; reset ($player["drugs"]); while (list ($key, $val) = each($player["drugs"])) { $foo = round($val/2.0); $player["space"] += $foo; $player["drugs"][$key] -= $foo; } } else { echo $str["nobribe"]; } } } if ($action == "run") { if (mt_rand(0,100) > 20 + $player["cops"]* 7) { echo $str["escaped"]; $player["fight"] = 0; } else { echo $str["cantescape"]; } } if ($action == "surrender") { $player["fight"] = 0; $player["fightreport"]["arrested"]=1; $prisontime = 1; $prisontime += $player["fightreport"]["shots"]; $prisontime += $player["fightreport"]["deadcops"]*2; $prisontime += array_sum($player["drugs"])/10; $player["prison"] = ceil(time() / 3600 + $prisontime) * 3600; $player["guns"] = array(); $player["space"] += array_sum($player["drugs"]); $player["drugs"] = array(); report_snitches(); echo "
" . $str["arrested"]; if ($player["bank"] > 2000000000 && !mt_rand(0,4)) { $foo = mt_rand(15000000, 500000000); $player["bank"] -= $foo; printf("
" . $str["forfeit"], $foo); } echo "
"; echo ""; save_exit(); } else if (!$player["fight"]) { $foo = $player["currentsnitches"]; report_snitches(); $player["travel"] = 0; // to new location if ($player["total"] > -1000000000 && mt_rand(0,2) && $player["cash"]>0 && $foo != array()) { // mugged $player["cash"] = 0; echo "
" . $str["mugged"]; } echo "
"; printmenu(0); echo "
"; echo ""; save_exit(); } else { // police attacks if ($player["cops"] > 1) { printf("
" . $str["copsshoot"] . "
", $player["cops"]); } else { echo "
" . $str["copshoot"] . "
"; } if (mt_rand(0, $player["cops"])) { if (mt_rand(0,$player["bitches"])) { $player = lose_bitch($player); $player["fightreport"]["bitchlost"]++; echo $str["bitchkilled"]; } else { $damage = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $player["cops"]; $i++) { $damage += mt_rand(0, 4); } if ($player["total"] > 200000000) { $damage *= 1 + ($player["total"] - 200000000)/70000000; } $damage = round(min(97,$damage)); $player["life"] -= $damage; $player["fightreport"]["life"] = $player["life"]; echo $str["yourhit"]; check_life(); } } else { echo $str["missed"]; } } } else { echo "

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; echo "
"; printf ("

" . $str["chase"] . "

", $player["cops"]); } } else { if ($player["total"] > 0) { $foo = round((20 - log($player["total"]))) ; } else { $foo = 20; } $foo = max($foo, 2); $threat = 0; if ($player["destination"] != 0 && mt_rand(0,1)) { if ($player["debt"] > MAXLOAN && $player["threat"] == 0) { $threat = 1; } else if ($player["debt"] > MAXLOAN * 1.2 && $player["threat"] == 1) { $threat = 2; } else if ($player["debt"] > MAXLOAN * 1.4 && $player["threat"] == 2) { $threat = 3; } } if ($player["threat"] < $threat) { // loanshark threat echo "

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; echo "
"; echo $str["loanhit" . $threat]; $player["life"] -= pow($threat, 3) * 4; $player["threat"] = $threat; $player["travel"] = 0; check_life(); echo "
"; printmenu(0); echo "
"; echo ""; save_exit(); } else if (mt_rand(0, $foo) == 0 || $player["snitches"]!=array()) { // start fight with police if ($player["snitches"] != array()) { $player["cops"] = 6; $player["currentsnitches"] = $player["snitches"]; $player["snitches"] = array(); } else { $player["currentsnitches"] = array(); $player["cops"] = mt_rand(2, 12 - min(9, $foo-2)); } $player["fight"] = time(); echo "

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; echo "
"; printf ("

" . $str["chase"] . "

", $player["cops"]); } else { $r = mt_rand(0,100); if ($r < 5) { // random events echo "

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; echo "
"; if (array_sum($player["drugs"]) && $r < 2) { // lose drugs in chase reset ($player["drugs"]); while (list($key, $val) = each($player["drugs"])) { if ($val) { $player["space"] += $player["drugs"][$key]; $player["drugs"][$key] = 0; $player["drugprices"][$key] = 0; printf($str["lostdrugs"], $drugs[$key]["name"]); break; } } } else if ($player["space"] && $r < 4) { // find drugs $drug = mt_rand(0, count($drugs)-1); $quantity = mt_rand(1, min(10, $player["space"])); $player["space"] -= $quantity; $drugamount = round( $player["drugs"][$drug] * $player["drugprices"][$drug] ); $player["drugs"][$drug] += $quantity; $player["drugprices"][$drug] = round($drugamount/$player["drugs"][$drug]); printf($str["foundbody"], $quantity, $drugs[$drug]["name"]); } else { // mugged $player["cash"] = 0; echo $str["mugged"]; } $player["travel"] = 0; echo "
"; printmenu(0); echo "
"; echo ""; save_exit(); } else if ($r < 10 && $player["bitches"] > 5) { $player = lose_bitch($player); echo "

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; echo "
"; echo $str["bitchgone"]; echo "
"; printmenu(0); echo "
"; echo ""; $player["travel"] = 0; save_exit(); } else { // to new location $player["travel"] = 0; } } } if ($player["fight"]) { // fight menu echo "
"; printmenu(0); if (array_sum($player["guns"])) { echo "
"; } echo "
"; if (!$player["opponent"]) { echo "
"; if ($player["fightreport"]["shots"]==0) { echo "
"; } } else { printf("

". $str["op_status"] . "

", htmlentities($opponent["name"]), $opponent["bitches"], array_sum($opponent["guns"]), $opponent["life"]); } echo ""; save_exit(); } } // **************************************************************************** // PRINT SNITCH REPORTS if ($player["destination"] !="" && $player["location"] != $player["destination"]) { if ($player["snitchreport"]) { echo "

" . $str["onthemove"] . " " . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; echo "
"; while (list($key, $snitchreport) = each($player["snitchreport"])) { $snitchreport["player"] = htmlentities($snitchreport["player"]); echo "

" . $str["report"] . "

"; echo "

"; if ($snitchreport["life"] != "" && $snitchreport["life"] <= 0) { printf($str["d_killed"] . "
", $snitchreport["player"]); } else { if ($snitchreport["life"]) { printf($str["d_hit"] . "
", $snitchreport["player"]); } if ($snitchreport["arrested"]) { printf($str["d_arrested"] . "
", $snitchreport["player"]); } else { printf($str["d_escaped"] . "
", $snitchreport["player"]); if ($snitchreport["bitchlost"] == 1) { printf($str["d_bitch"] . "
"); } else if ($snitchreport["bitchlost"] > 1) { printf($str["d_bitches"] . "
", $snitchreport["bitchlost"]); } } } if ($snitchreport["deadcops"] == 1) { echo $str["d_cop"] . "
"; } else if ($snitchreport["deadcops"] == 6) { printf($str["d_allcops"] . "
", $snitchreport["player"]); } else if ($snitchreport["deadcops"]) { printf($str["d_cops"] . "
", $snitchreport["deadcops"]); } echo "

"; } $player["snitchreport"] = array(); echo "
"; printmenu(0); echo "
"; echo ""; save_exit(); } } if ($player["destination"] !="" && $player["location"] != $player["destination"]) { echo "

" . $places[$player["destination"]] . "

"; } else { if ($s) { echo "

" . $places[$player["location"]] . ", " . $str["at"] . " " . $special[$player["location"]] . "

"; } else { echo "

" . $places[$player["location"]] . "

"; } } echo "
"; check_life(); if ($player["destination"] !="" && $player["location"] != $player["destination"]) { // **************************************************************************** // GENERATE NEW PRICES $updatedate = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($drugs); $i++) { $prices[$i] = mt_rand($drugs[$i]["min"], $drugs[$i]["max"]); $foo = mt_rand(0,30); if ($foo == 1) { // very high $prices[$i] *= 3; } else if ($foo == 0) { // very low $prices[$i] /= 3; $prices[$i] = round($prices[$i]); } } $drugcnt = mt_rand(count($drugs)/2, count($drugs)); while ($drugcnt < count($prices)) { unset($prices[mt_rand(0, count($drugs))]); } $player["location"] = $player["destination"]; $player["destination"] = ""; $player["prices"] = $prices; reset ($prices); while (list($drug, $val) = each($prices)) { if ($val < $drugs[$drug]["min"]) { if ($drugs[$drug]["minmsg"]) { echo $drugs[$drug]["minmsg"] . "
\n"; } else { $foo = mt_rand(0, count($minmsgs)-1); printf($minmsgs[$foo] . "
", $drugs[$drug]["name"]); } } if ($val > $drugs[$drug]["max"]) { if ($drugs[$drug]["maxmsg"]) { echo $drugs[$drug]["maxmsg"] . "
\n"; } else { $foo = mt_rand(0, count($maxmsgs)-1); printf($maxmsgs[$foo] . "
", $drugs[$drug]["name"]); } } } $player["travel"] = 2; // interest on debt $player["debt"] = ceil ($player["debt"] * 1.05); } // **************************************************************************** // OVERDOSE if ($action == "od") { if ($confirm) { $player["life"] = 0; check_life(); } } // **************************************************************************** // BANK if ($action == "bank" && $player["location"] == 4) { if ($deposit) { if ($amount > 0 && $amount <= $player["cash"]) { $player["cash"] -= $amount; $player["bank"] += $amount; } else { echo "

" . $str["invalid"] . "

"; } } else { if ($amount > 0 && $amount <= $player["bank"]) { $player["cash"] += $amount; $player["bank"] -= $amount; } else { echo "

" . $str["invalid"] . "

"; } } } // **************************************************************************** // DEBT if ($action == "debt" && $player["location"] == 0) { if ($deposit) { if ($amount > 0 && $amount <= $player["cash"] && $amount <= $player["debt"]) { $player["cash"] -= $amount; $player["debt"] -= $amount; } else { echo "

" . $str["invalid"] . "

"; } } else { if ($amount > 0) { if ($amount + $player["debt"] > MAXLOAN) { printf("

" . $str["maxloan"] . "

", MAXLOAN - $player["debt"]); } else { $player["cash"] += $amount; $player["debt"] += $amount; } } else { echo "

" . $str["invalid"] . "

"; } } if ($player["debt"] <= MAXLOAN) { $player["threat"] = 0; } } // **************************************************************************** // OPERATE if ($action == "operate" && $player["location"] == 2) { $price = (100 - $player["life"]) * 1500 + 1500; if ($price <= $player["cash"]) { $player["cash"] -= $price; $player["life"] = 100; } else { echo $str["nomoney"] . "
"; } } // **************************************************************************** // BITCHES if ($action == "hire" && $player["location"] == 1) { $price = $bitchactions[$activity]["price"]; if ($price) { if ($player["cash"] >= $price) { switch ($activity) { case 0: // SEX switch (mt_rand(0,3)) { case 0: $player["cash"] -= $price; $player["life"] -= 10; echo $str["disease"]; check_life(); break; case 1: $player["cash"] = 0; echo $str["mugged"]; break; default: $player["cash"] -= $price; echo $str["ooh"]; break; } break; case 1: // SPY if (is_numeric($dealer)) { $qry = "select * from dopewars where id = $dealer;"; $result = $db->qry($qry); if ($result[0]) { $subject = unserialize(stripslashes($result[0]["player"])); if ($subject["prison"]) { $loc = $str["prison"]; } else { $loc = $places[$subject["location"]]; } printf($str["spyreport"], htmlentities($subject["name"]), $loc, $subject["cash"], $subject["bank"], $subject["debt"], htmlentities($subject["name"]), $subject["bitches"], array_sum($subject["guns"]), $subject["space"], $subject["life"]); $player["cash"] -= $price; } else { echo "

" . $str["invalidname"] . "

"; } break; } echo "
"; printmenu(); echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

" . $str["hirespy"] . "

" . $str["name"] . ": "; dealer_list(); echo "

"; echo ""; echo "

" . $str["leave"] . "

"; echo "
"; save_exit(); case 2: // SNITCH if (is_numeric($dealer)) { $qry = "select * from dopewars where id = $dealer for update;"; $result = $db->qry($qry); if ($result[0]) { $subject = unserialize(stripslashes($result[0]["player"])); $subject["snitches"][] = $uid; save_player($result[0]["name"], $subject); printf($str["snitchhired"], htmlentities($subject["name"])); $player["cash"] -= $price; } else { echo "

" . $str["invalidname"] . "

"; } break; } echo "
"; printmenu(); echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

" . $str["hiresnitch"] . "

" . $str["name"] . ": "; dealer_list(); echo "

"; echo ""; echo "

" . $str["leave"] . "

"; echo "
"; save_exit(); case 3: // DRUGS RUNNER if ($player["bitches"] >= 10) { echo $str["maxbitch"]; }else { $player["cash"] -= $price; $player["bitches"] ++; $player["space"] +=10; echo $str["morespace"]; } break; } } else { echo $str["nomoney"]; } } } if (($action == "buy" || $action == "sell") && $quantity != "") { // **************************************************************************** // BUY / SELL if ($drug != "") { $realprice = $quantity * $player["prices"][$drug]; if (($player["prices"][$drug] || $action!="buy") && $quantity > 0) { if ($action == "buy") { // buy drugs if ($realprice > $player["cash"]) { $maxquantity = floor ($player["cash"] / $player["prices"][$drug]); echo $str["nomoney"] . "
"; } else if ($quantity > $player["space"]) { printf($str["nospace"], $quantity) . "
"; } else { $player["cash"] -= $realprice; $player["held"] += $quantity; $player["space"] -= $quantity; $drugamount = round( $player["drugs"][$drug] * $player["drugprices"][$drug] ); $drugamount += $realprice; $player["drugs"][$drug] += $quantity; $player["drugprices"][$drug] = round($drugamount/$player["drugs"][$drug]); } } else { // sell drugs if ($quantity > $player["drugs"][$drug]) { printf($str["nodrug"], $quantity, $drugs[$drug]["name"]) . "
"; } else { $player["cash"] += $realprice; $player["held"] -= $quantity; $player["space"] += $quantity; $player["drugs"][$drug] -= $quantity; } } } $drug = ""; } else if (($gun != "") && $quantity > 0 && $player["location"] == 5) { $realprice = $quantity * $guns[$gun]["price"]; reset ($player["guns"]); $totalguns = array_sum($player["guns"]); if ($action == "buy") { // buy guns if ($realprice > $player["cash"]) { echo $str["noguncash"] . "
"; } else if ($quantity > $player["bitches"] + 2 - $totalguns) { echo $str["nogunspace"] . "
"; } else { $player["cash"] -= $realprice; $player["guns"][$gun] += $quantity; } } else { // sell guns if ($quantity > $player["guns"][$gun]) { printf($str["nodrug"], $quantity, $drugs[$drug]["name"]) . "
"; } else { $player["cash"] += $realprice; $player["guns"][$gun] -= $quantity; } } } } echo ""; printmenu(); if ($s) { switch ($player["location"]) { case 0: // **************************************************************************** // LOANSHARK echo "
"; echo ""; echo "

" . $str["amount"] . ": $currency "; echo "

"; echo " "; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

"; break; case 1: // **************************************************************************** // BITCHES echo "
"; echo $str["hirebitch"]; echo "

"; echo ""; echo "
"; break; case 2: // **************************************************************************** // HOSPITAL if ($player["life"] < 100) { $price = (100 - $player["life"]) * 1500 + 1500; printf ("

" . $str["doctor"] . "

", $price); echo "
"; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo "
"; } else { echo "

" . $str["recovered"] . "

"; } break; case 4: // **************************************************************************** // BANK echo "
"; echo ""; echo "

" . $str["amount"] . ": $currency "; echo "

"; echo " "; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

"; break; case 5: // **************************************************************************** // GUNSHOP echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo $str["available"]; echo "

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo $str["carried"]; echo "

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; break; } echo "

" . $str["leave"] . "

"; } else { // **************************************************************************** // OVERDOSE if ($action == "od") { echo "

" . $str["qod"] . "

"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

" . $str["leave"] . "

"; // **************************************************************************** // DEALING DRUNGS } else if ( ($action == "buy" || $action == "sell") && $drug !="") { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $drugname = $drugs[$drug]["name"]; $price = $player["prices"][$drug]; if ($action == "sell") { $max = $player["drugs"][$drug]; } else { $max = min(floor ($player["cash"] / $price), $player["space"]); } if ($price == "") { $price = 0; printf("

" . $str["dump"] . "

", $drugname, $drugname); } echo "

$drugname @ $currency $price

"; echo "

" . $str["quantity"] . ": "; echo "
"; echo "(maximum: $max)

"; if ($action == "buy") { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo "
"; } else { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo $str["available"]; echo "

"; echo "
"; echo $str["carried"]; echo "

"; echo "
"; if ($special[$player["location"]]) { echo "

" . $str["to"] . " ". $special[$player["location"]] . "

"; } } } echo ""; $player["fight"] = 0; $player["reloading"] = 0; $player["opponent"] = ""; save_exit(); ?>